Septology by Jon Fosse
Enter the engaging mind of painter and thinker Asle over the seven days before Christmas in contemporary Norway.
Enter the engaging mind of painter and thinker Asle over the seven days before Christmas in contemporary Norway.
The idea for a novel often has a long incubation period. When and how was the germ of the story first planted in my mind?
Is the United States that Walt Whitman describes in Democratic Vistas that much different from the United States of today?
In the face of the popular distaste for poetry, do I dare confess that I enjoy it and actually have written ten poetry books?
If you read one book about Vietnam, read this novel written from the perspective of a North Vietnamese family spanning decades of upheaval.
Each reading of this classic rewards with new delights and insights.
A spin-off prequel to Jane Eyre, this novel deserves reading for Rhys’s masterful creation of mood and many-layered themes relevant to contemporary life.
The steady barrage of toxic political news had me feeling exhausted until a program of uplifting reading helped cleanse my mind and spirit of the negativity.
The perennial question that successful authors receive is “How do you deal with writer’s block?” I contend it does not exist; it’s a figment of the imagination. If it exists, there are multiple ways to make it not exist at all.
Ken Burns’ Hemingway documentary is sure to generate new readers and cause old readers to give him a second look. The reader’s age can affect whether in his estimation the writer is a great novelist or just a great stylist of the simple declarative sentence.
Even before I started school, I loved reading – in school I was enthusiastic about every writing assignment. And the library was my temple of learning.
Why did I write my verse-novel about Margaret Fuller? Lots of reasons, and mostly because I have felt divorced from my native country just as she often did.