Writing Children of Danu

Children of Danu
In the Prides of Sol series arc, the back-story centers around a star system named Tir Na n’Og, and the single planet in the system known as Danu.

In the Prides of Sol series arc, the back-story centers around a star system named Tir Na n’Og, and the single planet in the system known as Danu. Millions of years before the conflict on Earth, the Danua faced the same opponent. They were defeated and are long gone.

Lillaeth’s Lament on the obelisk by the sea in book three tells of their fate in the form of an elegy. But, who was Lillaeth? Where did she come from? What’s her story? And what about the Guardian that lives in the Danuan sea? What is it and how did it get there?

Rod Rogers, The Children of Danu

Children of Danu

By Rod Rogers
Humanity’s initial venture into the deep black met with unexpected consequences.

What if the Danua had left a legacy? What if they themselves were a legacy from a time primordial, from before the current domain, our universe, even existed. From extra dimensions, and other domains, the thread of this story finally ends at a recognizable moment – one that hints at a probable future.

The questions above did not exist when I first wrote A Nepenthean Solution, which has now been combined with The Flight of the Solar Archangel to become The Grim War. The answers had to come later, while falling asleep at night or when waking up in the early hours of the morning. Sometimes it takes years before a story assumes form and substance. In this case, the only way to continue the plotline into the future was to travel to the distant past.

Picture of Rod Rogers

Rod Rogers

Rod's fiction envisions intergalactic life, apocalyptic scenarios, and history, with great character development and with women assuming prominent roles.

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Picture of Rod Rogers
Rod Rogers

Rod's fiction envisions intergalactic life, apocalyptic scenarios, and history, with great character development and with women assuming prominent roles.

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